Awareness Poster Sketches
I have decided to create an awareness poster on the issue of alcohol consumption, and it being too common.
1. 1 In the first sketch, I tried to show that a person who drinks alcohol has less power and energy to socialize, and eventually ends up alone, sleeping. On the table, you can see a green ">" sign, which divides the table and emphasizes that water is better, and it gives you more.
1. 2 This might be a confusing one, but my intention was to illustrate that healthy people are looking into the future, because they have more energy, and obviously they think of their health in 30 years. Unlike the ones drinking alcohol, who may be sorry for what they have or have not done.
1.3. The third concept is about two variations of the same person looking at each other, where the upper one is healthy looking, and the second one is looking tired, drunk, and sad.
1.4. Personally, I like this idea most of all. On the bill, you can see the price people pay when drinking. This is not about money, but about the most valuable things in life.
2.1. This concept highlights that alcohol dehydrates our bodies. Some people think that any liquid is hydration, when it is not.
2.2. On a Friday night, it is highly common to go partying, which implies drinking, especially among the students. Some may feel ashamed that they are not like the others, and drink just because everybody else does. So in this sketch, I drew a phone screen with a notification "Is it weird I don't want to drink tonight?" - as a person who feels this way would send to his best friend, for example.
2.3. A bottle with an "18+" sign. I wonder, why people think that this sign is the magical border between what is bad for you and what is ok? I think that alcohol should not be recommended to people of any age.
2.4. Sometimes people forget that they can have fun in some other ways besides getting drunk (or doing anything else while drinking). Fun ≠ alcohol.
3.1. Unfortunately, all kids are growing up seeing adults drinking some forbidden liquids, and surely they want to be the same when they grow up. Do the older generations really want their kids to drink?
3.2. and 3.3 are simple but at the same time powerful concepts, because they are easy to perceive and understand quickly, and for sure they raise awareness. "Drinking Kills" is similar to the copy on cigarettes packs.
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